miércoles, 27 de mayo de 2009

Que hacemos?

Socios! Acá sigo relatándoles todo lo que paso durante este tiempo
En fin, le mandé un mail al manager de MANDO DIAO, preguntándole si realmente ha posibilidades de que vinieran este año a Argentina...
Me respondio lo siguiente:

Hi Nahir,

Thanks for your note. The album will be released in US 16 July and we’re setting up the release as we speak but have not announced big time yet- but you can!!

Regarding live shows in US and South America we’re discussing September for US and perhaps December for South America. Plans are being made as we speak. We need to get a number of things together first.

It’s great to see how active you are – you will not be disappointed about the rewards for your team when we’re finally over and can meet you.

Thanks and all the best,


Es decir, nos dejó con la intriga, porque realmente no saben que va a pasar.
De todas maneras, tenemos que seguir demostrando el esfuerzo que estamos realizando, porque eso aparentemente les agrada y los pone felices.
Somos el primer Street Team en argentina che!
Asi que sigamos tratando =)


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